The Super Sevens are a hybrid Quartz that as a whole contains seven different minerals. The seven minerals are Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, Rutile, Cacoxenite, Goethite & Lepidocrocite. Originally found in Brazil only, they are now also found in other locations such as Madagascar & Australia.

Metaphysical Properties
This crystal is an energy powerhouse & spiritual warrior, which opens the soul to new realities. Super Sevens teach us that true beauty is found within, that beauty is the source of divine grace & eternal light. The essence of this beauty is all elements within our personality collaborated into one glorious connected whole, able to affect change & create the highest good for all.
These crystals are relentless & will not give up on their goal to create connected planetary enlightenment with all beings. As a spiritual awakener they purge emotional trauma bringing understanding & forgiveness. Super Sevens rapidly awaken psychic abilities & create a powerful light energy pillar which connects one to all higher realms. As a manifestation tool they are excellent at removing obstacles to the goal, releasing fear & opening doorways to creation.
The super high frequency found in Super Sevens is impervious to negative energy, amplifies all other crystals & has a healing energy that knows no bounds. They create a massive energy field expansion, bringing forth a blissful state of being & complete understanding of universal connectivity.
Peace, joy & love are inevitable with this crystal as they release fear by lifting the veils of illusion. They facilitate an attitude of gratitude which removes karmic debts & debris, reforming the ethereal body into perfect harmony. Their light is so powerful negativity is transmuted into glittery life force, all attachments dissolve & crisp clarity is brought forward. Super Sevens resonate with all chakras, they energise, cleanse, balance & expand the body’s energy fields.
Super sevens tell us to dance with the world, for we are one. We are spiritual beings with infinite powers of love, light & creation.

Crystal Healing
All physical ailments

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