
Geology/ History

A fluorophosphate mineral composed of lithium, sodium, aluminium, phosphate, fluoride & hydroxide. Amblygonite forms a series with Montebrasite, the low fluorine endmember. Geologic occurrence is in granite pegmatites, high-temperature tin veins & greisens.
Amblygonite occurs with Spodumene, Apatite, Lepidolite, Tourmaline & other lithium-bearing minerals in pegmatite veins. It contains about 10% lithium & has been utilized as a source of lithium. The chief commercial sources have historically been the deposits of California & France. The largest documented single crystal of Amblygonite measured 7.62x2.44x1.83 m3 & weighed 102 tons.

Metaphysical Properties
A nurturing stone that provides balance & flexibility. Brings loving golden green healing light. Awakens your ability to perceive your limitless capabilities & integrates conscious understanding of your immortal soul.
Excellent for stress, anxiety & a chatty mind. Increases creativity & understanding on all levels. A very high vibration stone which protects, expands & amplifies energy.

Crystal Healing
Activates electrical systems & enhances connectivity

Group: Phosphate Mineral
Crystal System: Triclinic
Composition: (Li,Na)AlPO4(F,OH)
Form/Habit: Prismatic to columnar form
Hardness: 5.5-6
Cleavage: [100] Perfect, [110] Good, [011] Distinct
Fracture: Irregular/Uneven, Sub-Conchoidal
Lustre: Vitreous, resinous, pearly
Streak: White
Specific Gravity: 2.98 - 3.11
Transparency: Transparent, Translucent
R.I: na=1.577 - 1.591, nb=1.592 - 1.605, nc=1.596 - 1.613
Colour: Generally white or creamy, can also be colourless, pale yellow, green, blue, beige, gray, brown & pink.
Birefringence: .020 - .027
Pleochroism: weak to none
Fluorescence: light blue phosphorescence in long wave & short wave

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