

The term Chalcedony covers a wide variety of cryptocrystalline Quartz that presents in a vast array of colours, forms & patterns. Most of which have been given further classification due to the colour & form presented i.e Agate is identified by its banded structure, Carnelian & Chrysoprase by colour, Bloodstone is identified by both colour & patterning, Petrified wood is classified due to its organic form.
Pure or ‘actual Chalcedony’ which carries the gemstone classification is distinguished by translucency, solid lighter colour & lack of banding, usually seen in blue to white or grey.
Chalcedony is compact silica often found in sedimentary & volcanic environments. It forms in cavities & cracks over long periods through slow low temperature (up to 200oc) deposition of silica rich solutions. The result is Quartz finely intergrown with Moganite, both are silicon dioxide minerals, but have different crystal structures Quartz is trigonal & Moganite is monoclinic, together they form Chalcedony. Colours are primarily dictated by intruding minerals such as the presence of iron, nickel or chromium.
The name 'Chalcedony' derived from the Latin word 'Chalcedonius', which is rumored but not verified to be derived from 'Chalcedon', an ancient seaport of Asia Minor, now Kadikoy, Turkey. It appears in Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia as a term for a translucid kind of Jaspis. The correct pronunciation is kal-sed-on-ee or kal-suh-doh-nee.
A greatly significant mineral throughout history Chalcedony is richly steeped in culture, trade, religious expression & the evolution of Human civilization. For thousands of years different practical uses have been applied to Chalcedony, as it is a very tough material & excellent for carving it had a major influence with the evolution of jewellery & decorative arts such as sculptures, ornate bowls & utensils.
Many historical artefacts have been recovered some dating back as far as the middle of the Mesopotamian bronze age of 2000BC. Chalcedony has a wide global availability with most regions producing some specific colours endemic to the area, Australia is known for apple green Chrysoprase. Notable sources of ‘actual Chalcedony’ are Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, Madagascar, India, Burma, Africa & U.S.A

Metaphysical Properties
An illuminator of blissful happiness that brings calmness, patience & understanding. Chalcedony shades against harsh/dark energies & surrounds the auric field with light to hold a sacred space of peaceful safety. It releases a tranquil energy with a serene fluidity that calms the body, mind & soul. A wonderful ally in periods of transition bringing about a gentle positive flow of energy. It removes feelings of being overwhelmed or rushed, providing an endlessly supportive & nurturing vibration.
The gentle Earth resonance of this crystal facilitates a deep genuine peace & opens the mind to greater understanding. Chalcedony expands the concept of time by slowing down & neutralising unnecessary or negative energy transmissions, both internally & externally. When there is less energetic noise there is more time to enjoy life. It halts negative mind chatter & increases self-worth, respect & love.
Also a highly protective crystal with a deep Earth anchor, it grounds energy into this realm, facilitating more in the moment experiences. Excellent for connecting to ancient Earth records & ancestral beings, it holds the ‘Dawn of Time’ information. Chalcedony instils peace, knowing & courage helping one work towards their higher good. It awakens ones dormant light body & highlights the right path or action to take for the soul to achieve its higher purpose.
Most importantly Chalcedony encourages one to walk the path, to have a journey, have fun, run in the sun, dance in the moon light, embrace the self, enjoy life & explore every part of existence.
Different colour spectrum's will have a slightly different resonance but will sustain the base vibrations/attributes explained above.
Green: Resonates with the heart chakra, promotes love, joy & laughter. Releases heart ache, keeps a happy mindset & positive attitude.
Purple (Manakara stone): Resonates with the crown chakra, opens channels to enlightenment & spiritual growth. Opens connections to the Dragon realms. Enhances psychic abilities & excellent for all types of fertility. Recommended for any spell casting, helps to solidify intent.
Blue: Resonates with the throat chakra, aids in finding spiritual truth & all processes of enlightenment. Helps to be, speak & seek ones truth. Promotes authenticity & trust.
Brown: Earth speaker, Shaman bridge, this variety resonates with the elemental realm & is a connector of unseen worlds. Holds & harnesses powerful Mountain Mother & creation energy.
Pink: Resonates with all chakras, instils grace through purity of body, mind & soul. Encompasses the energy & lessons of the pink lotus. Love, Compassion & forgiveness.
Grey: Resonates with the star chakra, teaches dragonfly medicine & ancient knowledge. This stone is the keeper of illusion, a true window stone of insight & great depth.
White: Cleans &aligns all chakras, meridians & energy fields. Stone of peace, brings inspiration, insight & purification. Connects to Atlantean wisdom, knowledge & energies.

Crystal Healing
All ailments, particularly good at stress/anxiety reduction.

Group: Quartz
Crystal System: Trigonal
Composition: SiO2
Form/Habit: Microcrystalline aggregates
Hardness: 6.5 to 7
Cleavage: None
Fracture: Uneven, shell like
Lustre: Vitreous to waxy
Streak: White
Specific Gravity:2.58 to 2.64
Transparency: Dull, Translucent – Opaque
R.I: 1.530 to 1.540 – double refraction up to 0.004
Colour: Actual Chalcedony: Bluish, white, grey. Other varieties: purple, green, black red, brown, pink, orange & yellow.
Birefringence: up to 0.004
Fluorescence: Blue – white
Pleochroism: Absent
Causes of colour: Various mineral inclusions
Other characteristics: Piezoelectric

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