Geology / History
Hematite is the crystalline mineral form of Iron & is mined as the main Iron ore. The name Hematite (Greek for blood) derived from the fact that when cut, the saw coolant becomes coloured red. Hematite can be in reddish brown, ocherous masses, dark silvery-grey scaled masses, silvery-grey crystals & dark-grey masses or botryoidal.
Metaphysical Properties
Grounding & protecting. Hematite harmonises mind, body & spirit. Dissolves negativity & prevents negative energies from affecting the auric body. Good for all legal situations as it provides strength to endure & opens the mind to see truth. Hematite boosts self esteem, enhances willpower, removes self-limitations & aids expression. Helps to overcome addictions by creating an energy of peace & fulfilment bringing wholeness.
Hematite stimulates concentration & focus by sharpening the mind bringing fluid creative thought. Also useful for study of mathematics. Magnetic Hematites are excellent for healing injuries, easing arthritis & alleviating other lymphatic dysfunctions as they increase circulation removing heavy metals.
Hematite bring great strength to the mind, body & soul. It reinforces positive energies & fortifies the light body. A powerful Earth anchor that resonates with the base chakra & stimulates all other chakras.
Crystal Healing
It restores & strengthens blood supply & can draw heat from the body. Good for circulation. Supports kidneys, stimulates absorption of iron & formation of red blood cells. Treats leg cramps, anxiety, insomnia. Good elixir for fever.
Group: Oxides
Crystal System: Hexagonal, Trigonal
Composition: Fe2O3
Form/Habit: Tabular, Platy, Botryoidal
Hardness: 5-6
Cleavage: None
Fracture: Uneven, Conchoidal
Lustre: Metallic
Streak: Cherry red or red brown
Specific Gravity: 5.0-5.3
Transparency: Opaque
R.I: 2.690 - 3.2202.690 – 3.220
Colour: Black, steel grey, reddish
Birefringence: 0.290
Pleochroism: Brownish red – yellowish red
Fluorescence: None