tiger eye

Geology/ History

Tiger's eye is a chatoyant gemstone, usually a metamorphic rock that is a golden to red-brown colour with a silky lustre. A member of the Quartz group it is a classic example of pseudomorphous replacement by silica of fibrous Crocidolite (blue asbestos). An incompletely silicified blue variant is called Hawk or Falcon Eye. The Red Tiger Eye occurs when the gold is heated either naturally or by man.
Tiger's eye exhibits a fascinating & constantly shifting light effect since the alternating silky gold & brown bands keep reversing their appearance with the slightest change in position of the light source or of the stone. This effect is caused by parallel intergrowth of Quartz crystals & altered Amphibole fibres that have mostly turned into Limonite. Notable sources of Tiger's eye include Australia, Burma, India, Namibia, South Africa, United States, Brazil, Canada, China, Korea &Spain
Tiger Iron is slightly different. It is an altered rock mainly composed of Tiger's Eye, Red Jasper & Hematite.

Metaphysical Properties
A highly protective stone & excellent talisman of power. Combines Earth energy with Sun energies creating a higher vibrational state that is also grounded. Grounds people who are spaced out, have difficulty focusing or need to be more in the physical realm. Brings great clarity & focuses intent, shining light into the dark.
Balances lower charkas, opens the third eye & injects great power into the heart chakra. As it aids in collecting & collaborating information it is an excellent companion when creating practical projects. Tiger Eye will not give up & stimulates stamina with perseverance to see projects through.
Also helpful in resolving conflicts, internal & external as it removes the ego allowing the souls natural compassion to shine through. Supports addictive personalities removing stubborn tendencies, this allows changes to take place with effortless conviction. Alleviates depression & lifts moods eliminating blocks to creative flow. Stimulates Kundalini energy & expands the mind bringing peaceful positivity. Daunting ventures become easily achievable, the mind set of “I can’t” becomes “I will”. Tiger Eye has an attitude of no retreat no surrender.
Tiger Eye extends & enhances light pillars morphing negativity into golden rays of transformative light. Allows one to be to fiercely embrace their individuality & the beauty within. It gives rise to great enlightenment through self –realisation, soul expression & divine understanding. Tiger Eye hold endless opportunity with the ability to see the end goal clearly, manifest with great intent & execute physical processes fearlessly.

Crystal Healing
Treats eyes, heart, throat & reproductive organs. Helpful for repairing broken bones. Great for vertigo.

Group: Silicates-Tectosilicates
Crystal System: Hexagonal-Trigonal
Composition: SiO2
Form/Habit: Fibrous
Hardness: 7
Cleavage: None
Fracture: Conchoidal
Lustre: Vitreous
Streak: White
Specific Gravity: 2.7
Transparency: Translucent
R.I: 1.534-1.540
Colour: Yellow, brown, blue, green, red
Birefringence: None
Pleochroism: Absent
Fluorescence: None

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